Monitoring, Evaluation and Research
Baseline, Midline and Endline Evaluation
We provide M&E research to both businesses and non-profit organization to answer questions related to what actions and interventions work and which ones do not and what can be done to improve impact or performance. We use a range of research methods tailored to the specific context and business or organization. In our M&E research section, we offer services including, but not limited to:
- Monitoring and evaluation of development programs
- Quantitative and participatory research to inform the planning and implementation of public and social development programs
- Impact evaluation to demonstrate development outcomes for intended beneficiaries through use of a range of experimental and quasi-experimental tools
- Innovative and pragmatic research and evaluation design combining the best mix of methods and tools adapted to the context to answer evaluation questions raised by our clients
Social, Political and Economic Research and Analysis
ICG has extensive experience in the area of political economy analysis, policy research and effective programming, specifically in relation to good governance, democracy, political economy of development, public service delivery and poverty alleviation. We have developed both data collection tools (check lists, focus group discussion instruments and programme activity and output report formats) and data management systems using information technology.
- Providing analysis to assist in establishing benchmarks for service delivery in the public sector;
- Establishing indicators (and the means of verification) for program impact evaluation; and
- Targeting strategies and program planning.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Undertaking cost-benefit or cost-effectiveness analysis is crucial to designing efficient and effective projects both in the private and public sector. Economic analysis also provides a valuable insight to companies and organization seeking to get the buy-in of shareholders or citizens when significant resources are to be justified for spending on new projects and initiatives or when evaluating value for money for different investment options.
ICG has extensive experience in performing cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses for both the public and private sectors. With a team of qualified economists and analysts, ICG has the credibility to perform and assess cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses for governments and businesses on a wide range of issues. The models and analytical tools we frequently apply in this area include economic impacts models and non-market valuation techniques.